Do a Good Turn for the Holidays with BSA Giving Trees

Do a Good Turn for the Holidays with BSA Giving Trees
December 8, 2021 3861 view(s)

Do a Good Turn for the Holidays with BSA Giving Trees

One of my favorite things about the holiday season is the spirit of generosity that never fails to show out in full force. It just seems like the brisk air and long, dark, twinkly nights are synonymous with giving. In true alignment with the season and with the values of Scouting, this year, just like in years past, Scout Shops across the country are participating in Giving Trees. The stores will have them up from November 12 - December 17, so don't delay on this! The Giving Trees are in each Scout Shop and work just like the classic “Angel Tree”, but for Scouting, and the tickets are designed to benefit Scouts who need a helping hand in purchasing their uniform and Scout gear. You can find a Giving Tree near you at your local Scout Shop.

As stores continue to comply with local guidelines and procedures to help keep everyone safe, there still may be additional protocols in place for Scout Shops. But, even with all the changes, you can still give back to the Scouts in need in your area! Be sure to call your local Scout Shop to participate if you can’t make it in person. Just like you can purchase gear you need and advancements, you can grab your Giving Tree tag and help out.


Scout Shop Giving TreesScout Shop Giving Trees

How It All Started

This annual event started with one person’s spark of an idea that she had while participating in Wood Badge. While she was attending, she noticed instances where leaders were not in full uniform for ceremonies, and she also noticed that these leaders seemed to hang toward the back and participate less. Her mind started to connect some dots and she knew that if adults reacted and felt that way, that kids must feel that way too. She decided to do something about it, so that no one would feel excluded just because of a financial roadblock. In her words, she “wanted young people to get the most out of our program.”

Enter in the Wood Badge ticket she wrote down: Scout Shop Giving Trees. Her original intention was to have one in each of the stores in her Florida region, but when other leaders heard the idea, it blew up. Now, every year since 2013, all local Scout Shops plus some Council stores have Giving Trees in their stores. In true Boy Scouts of America form, Scout families are always ready to Do A Good Turn. Not only are people ready and willing to give to Scouts who need some supplies, but there is also a consistent group of volunteers, members, and customers who do a “final sweep” to make sure that any tickets left are taken care of so no Scout is left behind.

Now, 8 years since the start of the Giving Trees, not only is the campaign still a nationwide event, but it has also grown even bigger. Many Scout Shops have implemented an additional giving program where generous BSA families can donate our Thorlos socks to those in need in their communities. Socks are among the most requested items for people in need. 

If you are looking to get involved and to spread the gift of generosity, find your nearest Scout Shop (store locator here) and pick up a ticket. If you know a Scout who could use a Giving Tree ticket, talk to your local leaders and Council members, they will be happy to help!

As always, be sure to follow all store safety procedures, local health and safety guidelines, and CDC recommendations when visiting your local Scout Shop.

Cheers to the season of giving and to each of the hearts that each gift brings so much joy to. May each of our hearts be filled by sharing generosity with our communities this year!

Have your own give-back story to share? Join the conversation on social media using the #ScoutsGiveBack hashtag!

The incredible Scouter who started the Giving Trees asked not to be mentioned by name, saying, "the real credit belongs to the many volunteers and generous families who always go above and beyond to support their fellow Scouts."

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