Calling All Scouts! Whip Up the Tastiest Campfire Desserts [5 Recipes]

Calling All Scouts! Whip Up the Tastiest Campfire Desserts [5 Recipes]
October 25, 2019 5657 view(s)

Calling All Scouts! Whip Up the Tastiest Campfire Desserts [5 Recipes]

Getting bored with your usual campfire treats? Well, here is your fix! Check out these five recipes, complete with all needed ingredients to make meal prepping for your next outdoor adventure a snap.

  • Donuts! I love this recipe from Must Have Mom – it is easy and drool-worthy. All you need is a can of biscuits (Pillsbury is the tried and true classic), and whatever topping you and your family prefers. I recently travelled to Italy and Nutella is all the rage there, and I wasn’t mad about it. I am OBSESSED with the chocolate-y goodness, and am here to tell you that it should be your top choice for a topping drizzle.

Needs: Cast iron skillet, vegetable oil, biscuit dough, topping

How: Fill the cast iron pan 1/3 of the way with oil and heat over the fire until it is HOT (test it out by tossing a tiny piece of tester dough in… it should float and turn brown). Add each donut (shapes that are snake-like or classic donut-style with the hole in the middle work best for even cooking purposes) to the hot oil and cook until it is brown. Flip and repeat on the other side. Finish by pulling them out of the oil and letting them cool on a paper towel.

  • Campfire Mini Pies. Check.These.Out. This recipe by Cooking Classy is so adorable and FUN. They are simple and honestly would also make GREAT little party treats. Grab some of these camp cooking sticks so you can make the little pie crusts, set up a dessert station, and boom. Perfection.

Needs: Camp cooking sticks, dough (Pillsbury does it again, for this one, Junior Grands), pie crust filling (or chopped fresh fruit), whipped cream

How: Shape the dough around the marshmallow-looking side of the camping stick and cook over the fire until browned. Slide the pie cup off and let cool. Fill with your favorite filling, garnish with a solid dollop of whipped cream, and bon apetit!

  • Giant Cookie Oreo Skillet! This one is pretty exciting to me, since it can be customized for those who are gluten free. This is the easiest recipe, courtesy of The Kitchen Magpie and I love it so much. It only takes 2 ingredients and a skillet… yep, that’s it!

Needs: Cast iron skillet, cookie dough of your choice, Oreos

How: Smoosh the cookie dough into the bottom of the lightly greased skillet and top with chopped up Oreo pieces. Push the Oreo pieces into the dough slightly. Bake until the cookie dough is cooked through and then serve.

  • Stuffed Baked Apples. Another that can be gluten free, this recipe makes for a great sweet snack during the day as well as a fantastic after-dinner dessert.

Needs: Apple corer, apples, granola, cinnamon, tin foil

How: Cut the core of each apple out carefully – you will need to leave the base intact, and take out a bigger section at the top (stem end), so that it makes a bowl-like shape. Fill with granola and sprinkle with cinnamon. Wrap the whole “bowl” in tin foil and tuck into your fire embers. Cook for about 10 minutes, then pull out and unwrap (when it is cool enough to touch). Enjoy with a spoon!

  • Ice Cream Cone S’mores. If you have read any of my previous blogs, you may remember that I am obsessed with s’mores. As in I really don’t see why they aren’t a separate food group in and of themselves. This special dessert is a mesh between ice cream cones and s’mores, and it is just heaven… mad thanks to Johnie Gall who posted this recipe, because YUM.

Needs: Waffle cones, large bowl, tin foil, mini marshmallows, dark chocolate chips, any other fun inclusions that get you excited… like chopped strawberries, white chocolate chips, crumbled graham crackers, etc.

How: Mix all of the filling ingredients together in a large bowl and spoon mixture into each cone and then wrap the cone completely in tin foil. Heat the cones over a campfire or over the grill, remove from heat, and then unwrap the top and boom! Gooey yumminess.

We are always hunting down delicious outdoor recipes, so if you have one that is a huge hit, be sure to share with us by tagging us in your pictures on social media! Use the #ScoutShopBSA hashtag for a chance to be featured on our social channels and website, and be sure to visit our Scout Shop Camp Kitchen for any and all of your camp cooking needs!


Happy nom-ing!

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