
Susan Norris - Artist / As a painter of wildlife and sporting art, Susan discovered her passion for sculpting as she witnessed the transformation of how contours, lines, and textures take three-dimensional form into nature's living expression. Completely self-taught, Susan is a full-time, professional artist living in Cimarron, NM. She elicits emotion, gestures, and personality through defining and shaping her creations, bringing life to the character within. As an equestrian, hunter, and avid outdoors woman, she has a great respect for all things wild, learning that if left alone, nature provides a harmonious flow. In 2011, during a visit to Philmont, she experienced "an epiphany moment", after seeing Seton's painting, Triumph of the Wolves. Susan knew she had to learn more about this amazing individual who made such an impact on how we now value and treasure the natural world, and the important role that Seton played in the inception of Scouting. Susan has been named the Boy Scouts of America National Artist/Sculptor.

14½"H x 16¼ "W x 8"D

CALL 844-774-7774 to order.


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    Susan Norris - Artist / As a painter of wildlife and sporting art, Susan discovered her passion for sculpting as she witnessed the transformation of how contours, lines, and textures take three-dimensional form into nature's living expression. Completely self-taught, Susan is a full-time, professional artist living in Cimarron, NM. She elicits emotion, gestures, and personality through defining and shaping her creations, bringing life to the character within. As an equestrian, hunter, and avid outdoors woman, she has a great respect for all things wild, learning that if left alone, nature provides a harmonious flow. In 2011, during a visit to Philmont, she experienced "an epiphany moment", after seeing Seton's painting, Triumph of the Wolves. Susan knew she had to learn more about this amazing individual who made such an impact on how we now value and treasure the natural world, and the important role that Seton played in the inception of Scouting. Susan has been named the Boy Scouts of America National Artist/Sculptor.

    14½"H x 16¼ "W x 8"D

    CALL 844-774-7774 to order.


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